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Are you interested in generating additional income, and providing value-added services for your existing business network ?
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Master Agents
Generate huge income! Establish and/or train your own master agency network to create a recession proof business with recurrent income.
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Establish a global master agency network and generate huge ongoing business income with no cross-border limitations?
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Technology Services
Generate recurrent income from marketing business solutions, fintech applications and customised technology services, supported by our captive development centre?
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Agents who qualify will operate as independent consultants and their level of certification will determine what services an Agent or Licensee qualifies for, and the level of remuneration.

This opportunity will suit like-minded professionals, business people, consultants, financial professionals, network facilitators and businesses who can become licensed to market the group's unique array of corporate services inclusive of a boutique range of business solutions, fintech applications and technology services; anchored by the Group's captive development centre.

Entrepreneurs may elect to pay a premium and acquire a certified license which would allow them to market the Group's corporate services on a white label basis, with an appropriate remuneration level. Agents and Licensees will be managed through and supported by the Group's corporate governance and risk management platform.